Ocean pollution

Plastic pollution is a serious problem for our oceans. At Naked Sprout we are proud of our zero-plastic tissue products, and we’ve put together a few facts to underline why eliminating disposable plastic is so important.

- If we carry on like we are, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish

- Plastic in the sea is collected together by tidal patterns, winds and currents to form what are known as “garbage patches.” These are floating islands of rubbish and the largest is big enough to cover France twice and more.

- Marine animals get confused and mistake small pieces of plastic for food, resulting in illness and premature death that can affect an entire food-chain.

- Toxins in the water in some areas have resulted in such low oxygen levels that marine animals living in them can suffocate and die. These “death zones” are growing in number and size, there are currently nearly 150 of them, the largest of which is the size of Israel.

- Coral reefs could be extinct by 2045. This would be absolutely catastrophic for the entire ecosystem of our oceans, massively accelerating the deterioration of marine life numbers.

Naked Sprout are manufacturing without plastic on, or in, any of our products. It’s the least we can do for our oceans, and our future.